Office of National Marine Sanctuaries: Marine Conservation

Office of National Marine Sanctuaries: Marine Conservation

The Office of National Marine Sanctuaries contracted with the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA)  to conduct a study on major achievements during its first 50 years, and to contemplate suggestions on how the Agency might prepare to label dynamic challenges and opportunities in the marine environment in the next 10-15 years.

The Parnin Group Contributed to the NAPA report on marine conservation. The report is a study of NAPA’s third review of the sanctuary system released in 2021. The report highlights an evaluation of the impact and major achievements of the National Marine Sanctuaries program over the past five decades, an assessment of potential high-level directions for the program over the next 20-50 years and an assessment of the major opportunities and challenges facing the program over the next 20-50 years. The Panel focused on the seven major achievements including innovation, protection of marine resources, conservation and scientific research, national heritage, management, community engagement and possibilities of externalities for partners and stakeholders.

The Panel concluded six important future changes in marine environment including Climate change and climate-related issues, such as ocean acidification, blue economy development, new technologies, building new connection to the marine environment, engaging underrepresented and indigenous communities and global movement on marine environment policy. Read the full report here.
